Let's Stand Against Animal Cruelty And Neglect

Animal Abuse Stats in 2023
Animal cruelty has different faces.
This can be intentional, such as factory farming and lab testing, or as a result of deliberate neglect on the part of the pet owner or organization
Regardless of which, animal abuse facts and statistics continue to rise!
- Over 2 million pups are bred for money under inhumane conditions that spread disease and often lead to death.
- 50% of all Pit Bulls in shelters are euthanized.
- Every year 10,000 bulldogs are killed by the global dog fighting industry.
That is no way to treat a man’s best friend.
Despite being the most popular animal in the world, dogs are also the most likely to be victims of violence at the hands of callous owners and breeders. Sadly, they are not alone, there are many other animal species that suffer just as much.
- By the time you read this, 10 animals will have been abused and some may even have died due to torture and neglect.
- There are many ways to mistreat an animal. We often focus on animal abuse and human violence statistics in large organizations like factory farming but tend to turn a blind eye to domestic violence that has equally devastating consequences for pets.
- 88% of people investigated for child abuse also hurt animals. As violence breeds more violence, these kids grow up more likely to treat animals badly in the future.
- Animal abuse statistics and research show that adult men abuse animals more, especially those with less education and a low-income level.
- 250,000 animals are hoarded each year globally. Cat and dog lovers can take it too far, gathering hundreds of animals in one place without proper care. That’s why many of them experience malnourishment and various medical issues.
So, humans are not the only species that suffer from domestic violence. Pet ownership stats report that it got much worse during the pandemic for both people and pets. And dog abuse facts are a huge part of this horrible equation.

How can you help to stop animal cruelty?
After reading all this you may feel quite helpless but there is a lot you can do to help.
- Educate those around you about animal abuse.
- Report any incidents of abuse to your local SPCA.
- Donate to humane animal shelters and organizations in your area either financially or with your time.
- Avoid using products from companies that are known for animal testing and always research where your products come from.
These are just a few of the many ways that as an individual, you can help to ease the suffering of animals.
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodal

Woodrock Animal Rescue
- We are a leading non-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing shelter in South Africa.
- We have over 350 animals in our care at any given time.
- Woodrock Animal Rescue was founded in 1992 by Nicholas and Estelle Meldau.
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